
Best Laid Prophecies (Placeholder Cover)
Releasing July 2024 FOR REALSIES, I'M SERIOUS

The Champion of Luminor only has one job: kill the Prince of Shadows.

Gawain didn’t mean to pull the Sword of Light from the stone and become Luminor’s champion. There’s no take backsies on becoming a hero, unfortunately, so he sets out on his quest to defeat Luminor’s greatest foe. Except no one told him that the Prince of Shadows is gorgeous, rude, and exactly his type.

All Xalatan Bloodworth wants is to be left alone to his baking, but it turns out that the kingdom of Luminor takes the tiny matter of their foretold destruction extremely seriously. The Champion of Luminor is the most annoying assassin yet, especially because he’s the only one who’s accidentally tried to seduce him first.

As the curse that binds them together grows relentlessly stronger, they’ll be forced to choose: fight each other in the destined duel that will leave one of them dead, or fight fate itself. 

A Dangerous Affair
Releasing 2024??? I PROMISE NOTHING.

Ettie's book!!! (This cover is not complete.) 

Probably releasing 2021. Like, maybe. Oops.

Ettie Hartfield is a disaster. She lost her father and the love of her life, and she can’t even convince Society to accept her. To top it all off, she’s just been scammed by a matchmaking service that promised to find her a husband.

When she threatens legal recourse, they finally set her up- with a woman. 

Faye Sweet is a prostitute working in a flagellation brothel catering to high class women who married against their inclinations. She’s made her fortune and is ready to retire before she gets too old for the job. 

The one thing she’s not going to do is laugh off being made a fool of by a phony matchmaking company. If she gets to spend time with the energetic Miss Hartfield while she achieves her revenge, well, all the better.