
Showing posts from October, 2020

Ettie's book!

 I've been dithering a lot over what to write lately. I was considering a contemporary Christmas novella, but I just couldn't get myself excited to write it. I also have a Victorian novel idea that I AM excited about, but I didn't want to start it before nanowrimo. I was thinking about this dilemma today, and then I was like, wait, what about Ettie's book? Before I even finished The Viscount Debacle, I knew Ettie would need her own book. She needs her own HEA!  I've had some ideas for how Ettie's book would go bouncing around in my brain, but nothing that caught well enough for me to want to write it. So I went a-googling through some historical articles and texts today, looking into some things I was thinking about adding, and the idea FINALLY bit me. I mocked up a cover and now I'm a good way through the outline. I'm super excited about this story! I already love writing Ettie, and her love interest Faye has at last solidified in my mind.  This book is

New releases!!!

 I have two new releases! First, Guarding Her Grumpy Billionaire, my contemporary anti-billionaire billionaire romance. I'm pretty excited about this one because I enjoyed writing an ace heroine. I might write a couple of follow up stories, but I have a few other things I want to work on first. It's on kindle unlimited, so if you have KU you can read it for free! Amazon Link Secondly, I'm finally publishing Viscount Debacle! It's my super sugary ace regency romance. I loved writing this, and there's still scenes in it that I find entertaining to reread even though I've edited it approximately five million times.  I'm not super happy with the cover I made? I don't know, it's okay. After fussing with it for a while I gave up and called it a day.  Amazon Link