
Showing posts from December, 2020

2021 Writing Goals

I've just finished putting together my writing goals for next year, and I'm pretty happy with them! It FEELS realistic, though past evidence suggests otherwise. I wrote down all the books I want to write and my ideal release schedule.  I've decided to put aside submitting to publishers this year. Still a dream of mine, but I'm going to focus on self publishing for now. That way I can write shorter books, since my writing sweet spot is really around 50k.  My plan is to write 1k a day, with some variance for nano and a few other things, but mostly 1k per day. Based on what I've planned, that should mean I'll be releasing six books? That feels like a lot, so I'll see how that goes. I'm planning on writing a Christmas novel in July, because Christmas in July sounds fun, and that way I'll have plenty of time to get it ready for a November release. After all the heteronormative Christmas movies I watched this year, I just REALLY want to write an ace Christ